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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Being ERP Consultant is a huge responsibility

A couple of weeks ago, I faced a problem in a project that I am managing.

In addition to being the PM, I am also the solution architect in this project. So I had to find a solution to this issue. I couldn't just 'Project Manage' it away.

I spent about three to four days thinking about this problem. My normal experience is that the correct solution comes to my mind if I give it that much time.

Like that 'Double Helix' thing.

It did not in this case.

I was frustrated.

Since the problem was tough, I used my usual channels, LinkedIn messaging and talking to expert friends. Based on their suggestions I worked out a solution and presented it to the customer who accepted it and approved it.

Despite that I was uncomfortable. The solution was not logical. It did not 'Sell to my Sleeping Point'

(Check the end of this blogpost to see what I mean by 'Sleeping Point'.

The other day, while writing about this issue in my daily journal, I realized where I had gone wrong. I was double counting one number.

Once I factored that in, the solution was logically sound. It met my very high standards.


Now I had the hard task of apologizing for my error and getting the new solution approved. I was very apprehensive how the CFO would react.

They don't react well. Normally

Yesterday I called up the customer CFO to tell him of my mistake. He patiently listened to me and all the time I was talking, did not say a word.

Finally he asked me one question.

"Do you think that this is the best solution?"

"Yes sir, 100%"

"Then go ahead. I trust you to do the best for my company"

Being an ERP Consultant is a huge responsibility.