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Friday, August 13, 2021

My interview with Paapri Cloud Technologies

 Recently Kurtis Lilford of Paapri Cloud Technologies interviewed me for a post in his company blog. 

The article is titled

The Operational Dream: Is ERP all it’s made out to be?

Before the interview Kurtis Lilford had asked me a few questions like 'What is Cloud ERP', 'What are its advantages' etc. As a part of the Q&A he asked me about Cloud ERP Readiness and the common hesitations for companies to move to Cloud ERP. 

That last question was very interesting. 

The common hesitation that I have seen are two. One is hesitation to store sensitive company data in a third party storage system. You are exposing your IP to  a third party vendor and to potential hackers. That last part about hackers is the second reason for hesitation. You no longer have control on your data. The final hesitation is due to Geography Risk. As the recently introduced GDPR showed, any new legislation by the host countries could mean that your data is declared non-compliant and you could potentially  end up paying hefty fines.

What do you think of the Interview?

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